Wezzie's Diary of Decisions
God help me make the right decision


5:20 p.m.

Oh the things that have happened. HA. Well, I bought ANOTHER (total makes 3 now) wedding dress. Obviously they were not all $600 wedding dresses but one was. And it's the one I love. It is THE dress and I'm so much more excited about the wedding now. I feel sexy in this dress. My fiance is going to flip his lid.

Now that I finally have THE wedding dress, everything else has also fallen into place. We are ready to rock. and. roll.

My fiance has mentioned a few times over the last couple of weeks that he can't wait for me to be his wife. He can't wait to say, "I do." When he talks about this, I can hear the sincerity in his voice. When he says he feels so lucky that he gets to marry me, I know he truly belives that. When I snap at him for NO apparent reason, I hear the hurt in his voice when he says he never wants to hurt me ever again.

In some ways I feel bad that he has to live with the guilt of what happened. I asked him if he thinks about it, and he said, "Sometimes." He said, "Do you?" I said, "Sometimes. Not as often anymore."

I've learned that you really do have to let go and not concern yourselves over questions you'll never have the answer to. And you have to do this 1. so that you can really truly save your relationship and 2. so that you can really truly save your sanity. Because really, insanity is bad for your health.

Looking FORWARD I am excited. I can't wait for our day to be here and I can't wait to call him my HUSBAND.