Wezzie's Diary of Decisions
God help me make the right decision

the iPod

9:50 a.m.

I am somewhat of a music freak. I love it. I am always listening to it. I love all KINDS of it.

But when the iPod came out, I was not enamored. I didn't have any intention of spending that much money on something that would play music. Then you have to continually keep track of your library and add/delete songs as you wish and really, who needs 7,500 songs on one little machine? Not this music freak.

But for the wedding we had a LOT of Target $. We thought about getting a camera but ours is only 2 years old and still has 2 years of warranty on it. And it takes pics just fine.

We thought about holding onto the $ for when (positive thinking) we move to Hawaii, because surely there would be a LOT of stuff we'd need that we wouldn't take with us. And over $400 at Target when you move to a new city would be AWESOME. But guess what I then discovered? Hawaii doesn't have Target!!!! I briefly went into panic mode.

So since we didn't want to buy anything big/bulky because we already have enough of it and would probably only end up selling it in 6 months, we decided to go with the small, portable, 30g iPod video.

Of course I will no doubt spend the majority of today's work day playing on itunes and getting music on this sucker. But I just realized I left the earphones at home, so I guess I will not be listening to any of them!